
Gonna tell you da' story Of Reggae shark There are hundreds of sharks livin' under da' sea Great whites, Hammer Heads and White Tip Reefs But the one shark Discovery always leave out Is the dreadlock rasta fish I'm talking about (Reggae shark) Reggae shark is real (Reggae shark) Him got a band with da' seals (ooooh) (Reggae shark) He don't want to harm ya' (Reggae shark) He just wants ya' ganja After dark Reggae Shark come crusin' Some say reggae shark's part human He was cursed by an evil jelly witch Didn't have no reason she was just a bitch Some kids were boatin' And smoking a spliff Reggae shark swam over To ask for a hit The kids start screaming And one of dem' drowned Now the sheriff and his posse gonna hunt him down (Reggae shark) Got no political agenda (Reggae shark) He just wants redemption (Reggae shark) And he also wants ganja But you can't light a spliff When you live underwater One day a drug boat had to drop it's load Reggae shark come along And him ate it whole Now he's starvin' like marvin' Got the munchies Then him see the evil sheriff And all his flunkies He put his fins in the air said "It wasn't me fault!" But the sheriff said fire And the rifles shot... But it was just a shark decoy Tied to a raft Cuz da' reggae shark is a master Of da arts and crafts (Reggae shark) He jumped on the boat And the sheriff fell down his throat The townspeople cheered And said "You brought us peace..." "You took a bite of corruption In the town police" They threw him a huge ticked tape parade Cuz they know that he balances Da' food chain They gave him the key to Kingstontown You should see the tourism he brings in now You've redeemed yourself, Said the Jelly witch Me can reverse that curse And grant your wish Him looked at the witch, And he say "Nay." "Cuz I'm a reggae shark And that's the way I'll stay!" The End
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